한국, 미국, 중국, 일본, 네팔, 태국, 몽골 등 세계 각국의 재난, 재해, 안전, 위기관리 분야 전문가들이 세계 각국의 재난, 재해, 안전, 위기관리 분야 이슈에 대한 40여편의 논문을 발표하고 토론하기 위해 대한민국 제주도에 모인다.  

제8회 글로벌 위기관리학 심포지엄(The 8nd Global Crisisonomy Symposium), 제12회 한-중 위기관리 심포지엄(The 12th Sino-Korea Symposium on Crisis and Emergency Management), 제8회 한-일 위기관리 세미나(The 12th Korea-Japan Crisis and Emergency Management Seminar)가 오는 6월13일부터 15일까지 3일간 제주도 제주연구원에서 개최된다.

이번 행사의 주제는 ‘지속가능발전목표(SDGs ; Sustainable Development Goals)의 글로벌 사회 패러다임 및 학제간 재난 관리(Paradigm of Global Society and Transdisciplinary Disaster Management)’이다. 

이번 행사 주최는 국제위기관리학회인 ISCEM(International Society for Crisis and Emergency Management), 위기관리이론과실천(CEM-TP ; Crisis and Emergency Management : Theory and Praxis), 충북대학교 국가위기관리연구소, 중국 과학아카데미연구소(Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), 일본 세이토쿠대학교(Seitoku University, Japan), 국가위기관리학회(KACEM ; The Korean Association for Crisis and Emergency Management), 세계크라시소노미학회(GCI ; Global Crisisonomy Institute), 이재민사랑본부(Disaster Management Research Institute, Loving Center for Disaster Victims, Korea)이다.

주관은 제주연구원(Jeju Research Institute, Korea), 전국재해구호협회(Korea Disaster Relief Association, Korea), 한국녹색문화재단 PM오염센터(PM Pollution Center, Korea Green Foundation)이다.

후원은 한국연구재단(National Research Foundation of Korea), 충북대학교(Chungbuk National University, Korea), 세이프투데이(Safe Today, Korea)이다.

이하는 이번 행사 3일간 일정이다.

세이프투데이 윤성규 기자(

Symposium of the 1st Day
(13th June, 2019)
Registration & Reception      14:30-15:00
■ The 1st Session   Disaster Management and Core System  15:00-16:20
◆ The 1st Section    Disaster Response and Safety Management  [Korean]
Chan Kwon Jeong (Korean Association for Crisis and Emergency Management)
Gi Geun Yang (Wonkwang University)
: Factors Affecting Fire Organizational Effectiveness in Disaster Response
Min Sang Cho (Backsuk University)
: Establishment of Safety Information Integrated Control Center through Drones
Ju Ho Lee (Sehan University)
Jae Eun Lee (Chungbuk National University)
: Analysis of the Relationship among Disaster Safety Management Policy Recognition, Policy Needs, and Policy Trust

Masatsugu Nemoto (Chungbuk National University)
Dong Kyun Lim (Chungbuk National University)
Dong Wook Kim (Incheon National University)

◆ The 2nd Section   Core System Model and Disaster Preparedness  [Korean]
Jang Hee Lee (Chungbuk National University)
Shinhye Kim (Woosuk University)
: Analysis of University Campus Traffic Accidents: Using Core System Model
Woongcheon Yoo (Korea Rural Community Corporation)
: Categorization of Rural Crisis and Analysis of Rural Extinction: Core System Model
Chon Jik Bae (Korea Disaster Relief Association)
: Disaster Preparedness and Relief in the United States: Focusing on FEMA, Fire Departments, NGOs

Gi Young Choi (Daejeon Metropolitan Police Agency)
Sung Eun Jung (Ministry of the Interior and Safety)
Jongwook Jo (Korea Expressway Corporation)

※ Coffee Break   16:20-16:30

■ The 2nd Session  Disaster Analysis and Corporate Liability  16:30-17:50
◆ The 1st Section   Core System Analysis and Disaster Analysis   [Korean]
Eun Kook Lee (Yonsei University)
Gi Young Choi (Daejeon Metropolitan Police Agency)
: Analysis of Jechon Disastrous Conflagration through Core System Model
Sung Eun Jung(Ministry of the Interior and Safety)
: Improvement on National Crisis and Emergency Management through Core System: Lesson of the MERS Disaster
Jongwook Jo(Korea Expressway Corporation)
: Recommendation for Road Disaster Management through Case Study of Seohae Cable Stayed Bridge Fire Accident by Core System Analysis Method
Jae Kwon Jeong(Chungbuk National University Hospital)
: Analysis of Evacuation in Milyang Sejong Elderly Care Hospital Fire

Shinhye Kim (Woosuk University)
Woongcheon Yoo (Korea Rural Community Corporation)
Jongil Na (Korea Disaster Relief Association)
Longtian An (Chungbuk National University)

◆ The 2nd Section  Corporate Liability and Disaster Management Policy [Korean]
Chang Kil Lee (Incheon National University)
Seok Hee Hwang (Chungbuk National University)
Jae Eun Lee (Chungbuk National University)
: The Legislative Background of Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act and the Necessity for Introduction to Korea
Iwaya Satomi (Incheon National University)
: A Comparative Study on Support System for Foreigners in the Event of Disaster: Focusing on Korea and Japan
Dong Wook Kim(Incheon National University)
: A Study on the Improvement Plan of Disaster Management Policy Performance Evaluation System in Korea

Min Sang Cho (Backsuk University)
Ju Ho Lee (Sehan University)
Dong Kyun Lim (Chungbuk National University)

※ Dinner   18:00-20:00

Symposium of the 2nd Day
(14th June, 2019)
Registration & Reception      08:30-09:00
■ The 3rd Session  Disaster Resilience and Evaluation Methods  09:00-10:10
◆ The 1st Section    Disaster Resilience and Healthcare Systems   [English]
Keiko Kitagawa (Seitoku University, Japan)
Seol A Kwon (Chungbuk National University, Korea)
Jae Eun Lee (Chungbuk National University)
: Preventive Management of Gender Intellectual Disaster Resilience: Focusing on Vulnerability Theory
Dohyeong Kim (University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
: Voting Turnout and Population Health Status in the OECD Countries: The Role of Healthcare Systems
Masatsugu Nemoto (Chungbuk National University, Korea)
: Comparative Study of Technical Terms of Crisis Management among Korean, Chinese, Japanese Language and English

Zhang Chenyang (Henan Polytechnic University, China)
Min Sang Cho (Backsuk University, Korea)
Mika Tahara (Tokyo Kasei University, Japan)

◆ The 2nd Section  Evaluation Method and Organizational Learning   [Korean]
Hwangwoo Noh (Hanbat National University)
Yu Kyung Lim (Yonsei University)
: Effects of Political Pressure on Organizational Learning
Dong-Kyun Lim (Chungbuk National University)
: A Study on the Evaluation Method of Environment Improvement on the Shelter in Case of Disaster
Jiwon Moon (UNIST)
Ha Hwang (Korea Institute of Public Administration)
Jibum Chung (UNIST)
: Determinants Motivating the Adoption of Seismic Adjustments in Moderate Earthquake Zones

Chang Kil Lee (Incheon National University)
Jeong Ryu (SeoKyeong University)
Yong Jin Chung (Chungwoon University)

※ Coffee Break   10:10-10:20

■ Opening & MOU Signing Ceremony             10:20-10:50
Moderator Seol A Kwon (Chair, Preparatory Committee)
Opening Address
Jae Eun Lee (Chungbuk National University, Korea)
An Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Keiko Kitagawa (Seitoku University, Japan)

Welcoming Address
Jung Hee Kim (Secretary General, Korea Disaster Relief Association, Korea)
Chan Kwon Jeong (Korean Association for Crisis and Emergency Management, Korea)
Dong Jun Kim (Jeju Research Institute, Korea)

Congratulatory Remarks
Gajendra Sharma (Kathmandu University, Nepal)
Gi Geun Yang (Wonkwang University, Korea)
Jang Hee Lee (Chungbuk National University, Korea)

MOU Signing Ceremony among 4 Organizations
Jae Eun Lee (National Crisisonomy Institute, Chungbuk National University)
Chan Kwon Jeong (Korean Association for Crisis and Emergency Management)
Jung Hee Kim (Korea Disaster Relief Association)
Sung-kwang Yang (INNOPOLIS Foundation)

■ Photo Session                                   10:50-11:00

■ The 4th Session    Keynote Speeches            11:00-12:20
En Fang Qiang (Tianjin Normal University, China)
Keynote Speakers
Jae Eun Lee (Chungbuk National University, Korea)
: Transdisciplinary Approach of Disastronomy for Implementing SDGs in Global Society: Using Core System Model and Disaster Resilience Concept
Keiko Kitagawa (Seitoku University, Japan)
: Risk Management Focusing on Goal for SDGs
An Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
: Some Issues on Japanese Disaster Culture
Gajendra Sharma (Kathmandu University, Nepal)
: Role of Artificial Intelligence in Crisis and Emergency Management
Suttisak Soralump (National Research Council of Thailand, Thailand)
: 2018 Thai Cave Rescue: Secret Operations and Private Corporation

※ Lunch & Coffee Break   12:20-13:40

■ The 5th Session  Sustainable Development and Evacuation Behavior    13:40-15:00
◆ The 1st Section   Sustainable Development and Zero-risk Society  [English]
Gajendra Sharma (Kathmandu University, Nepal)
Kwon Huh (Vice-president of Mongolia International University (MIU), Former Director-General of International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (ICHCAP), Korea)
: Integrated Approaches for the Sustainable Development in UNESCO's Cultural Heritage Programs
En-Fang Qiang (Tianjin Normal University, China)
: How Much Do You Want to Pay for a Zero-Risk Society?
Jeong Ryu (SeoKyeong University, Korea)
: Finding Resilient Factor for the Women living with HIV-positive in Slum, Nairobi, Kenya

Li Wenwen (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Zhang Chenyang (Henan Polytechnic University, China)
Wang Yuan (Henan Polytechnic University, China)

◆ The 2nd Section   Disaster Response and Evacuation Behavior  [Korean]

Chan-Gwon Jeong (Korea Institute for Crisis Management Analysis)
Sangkyu Rheem (National Disaster Management Research Institute)
: A Study on the National Cooperation, Coordination and Support System for the US Hurricane Response
Sanghoon Jang (UNIST)
Ha Hwang (Korea Institute of Public Administration)
Jibum Chung (UNIST, Korea)
: Evacuation Modeling Based on Evacuation Behavior: Focused on the Case of Shin-Kori Nuclear Power Plant in Ulsan
Bat Erdene Ganchimeg (Chungbuk National University)
: Urban-Rural Differences of Happiness in Korea: Focusing on the Moderator Effects of Social Status

Dong Wook Kim (Incheon National University)
Yong Jin Chung (Chungwoon University)
Masatsugu Nemoto (Chungbuk National University)

※  Coffee Break   15:00-15:10

■ The 6h Session  15:10-16:30
◆ The 1st Section    Risk Perception and Emergency Management  [English]
Jae Eun Lee (Chungbuk National University, Korea)
Min Sun Song (Valdosta State University, USA)
: Does Collaboration Risk Perception Matter in the Forms of Emergency Management Networks?
Guo Lingli (Henan Polytechnic University, China)
: An Analysis of the Phenomenon of Chinese Modern Migration from the Perspective of Disaster Culture
Fan Chao (Henan Polytechnic University, China)
: An Investigation on the Current Situation of Rural Emergency Management along the Yellow River from the Perspective of Sociology

An Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Bonjun Koo (Kyoto University, Japan)
Gajendra Sharma (Kathmandu University, Nepal)

◆ The 2nd Section     Social Disaster and Emergency Management  [English]
An Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Hyunyoung Jee (Korea Green Foundation, Korea)
: How to Deal with Air Pollution as Social Disaster
Liu Guojia (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
: Research on the Evolution of Urban Floods in Beijing and the Improvement of Emergency Management Mechanism since Modern Times
Jongil Na (Korea Disaster Relief Association, Korea)
Bonjun Koo (Kyoto University, Japan)
: Air Pollution in Ger Area of Mongolia: Analysis of Gaps between Policy and Practice

Suttisak Soralump (National Research Council of Thailand, Thailand)
Jeong Ryu (SeoKyeong University, Korea)
Gajendra Sharma (Kathmandu University, Nepal)

※ Coffee Break   16:30-16:40

■ The 7th Session       16:40-18:00
◆ The 1st Section      Emerging Risk and Urban Security  [English]
Suttisak Soralump (National Research Council of Thailand, Thailand)
Li Wenwen (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
: Analysis of the Status Quo and Influencing Factors of China's Emergency Shelter Based on the Background of Urban Security
Zhang Chenyang (Henan Polytechnic University, China)
: Analysis of School Bullying in Primary and Secondary Schools in Henan Province
Wang Yuan (Henan Polytechnic University, China)
: Research on Emerging Risk and Its Governance Strategy

Jongil Na (Korea Disaster Relief Association, Korea)
Keiko Kitagawa (Seitoku University, Japan)
Hyunyoung Jee (Korea Green Foundation, Korea)

◆ The 2nd Section   Environment Risk and Urban Safety  [Chinese]
En-Fang Qiang (Tianjin Normal University, China)
Dong Lin (Chungbuk National University, Korea)
Jae Eun Lee (Chungbuk National University, Korea)
: Dynamic Assessment of Environment Risk at Regional Scale for the Yangtze River Basin
Jiang Zi Han(Chungbuk National University, Korea)
Jae Eun Lee (Chungbuk National University, Korea)
: The Theory and Practice for Urban Safety Management
Zhang Ke(Chungbuk National University, Korea)
Jae Eun Lee (Chungbuk National University, Korea)
: The Coping Strategies Facing Ordinary Urban Traffic Crisis

Min Sun Song (Valdosta State University, USA)
Li Wenwen (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Guo Lingli (Henan Polytechnic University, China)

※ Dinner                             18:00-21:00

Symposium of the 3rd Day
Collaborative Disaster Resilience Workshop

■ Round Table & Future Workshop                 09:20-10:40
- Community Disaster Resilience and Safety Experience
Chang Kil Lee (Incheon National University)
Participants of Round Table & Workshop
Dong Kyun Lim (Chungbuk National University)
Ju Ho Lee (Sehan University)
Sangkyu Rheem (National Disaster Management Research Institute)
Jeong Ryu (SeoKyeong University)
Seol A Kwon (Chungbuk National University)

※ Coffee & Closing Remarks                        10:40 – 11:00

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